Classes of 1963 - 2023
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Newest Members
Julie Anderson (Hager)
Tamera (Tami) Kay Barney
Zella Blair (Johnson)
Wayne E. Bodily
Myra Teresa Boren (Tunbridge)
David Max Bouchard
Philip Brennan
Tamera (Tamie) Byrd (Wren)
Laurie Anne Coleman
Raylene Crofts (Trayah)
John Della-Ratta
Mitch Drake
Kevin Alan Ekstrom
Russell Florence
Steven Gailey
JoAnn Gallegos (Moss)
Ray Gelhard
Fred Hager
Lance Harper
Mark Harris
Veronica "Roni" Harrison
Jewel H. Hefner Jr.
Robert Laurle Heinze
Michael Hopkins
Kendra Joncus (Holmgren)
Kent Jorgenson
Diane Koster (Erickson)
Trish Larsen
Clifford Law
Vicki Leavitt (DuBose)
Colin Lemmon
Jeffery Myron Leseberg
Ron Martinez
Chris McCrary (Perez)
Ed Mitchell
Melinda Montgomery
Abel Roberto Navarez
Calvin Nickel
Toni Rae Odekirk (Mobley) (Ch…)
Randy Gene Owens
Ron Palmer
Tammy Park (Long)
Steven Parker
Kathy Quinlan (Parkinson)
Kelly Rock (Barrera)
Cathy Seaver (McCrary)
Kent Aaron Sieler
Craig Smith
Keith Stevens
Kyle Stoker
Lori Thomas
Darwin Edward Thompson
Anne Timberman (Reed)
Timothy Vance White
Kelly Zaugg
Wendy Zaugg (Packer)
Brenda Zecher (Wise)