Classes of 1963 - 2024
Eric West
Eric's Latest Interactions
Thanks for being our Golf Coach and English Teacher, and thanks for the call out and lecture about me spending too much time on the pencil sharpener. I was watching a cute girl out the window and I didn't have the guts to say it out loud. He gave me a 20 minute lecture the othe pencil and its use. I enjoyed the 20 minute lecuture he gave to Kim Taylor about putting on makeup in our first period much better.
In my Senior Year. In front of the class he called me out. "Hell West I try so hard to like you"!! I love being straight up about everything. He really gave me a chance maybe because he liked my sisters Karen West 79. and Krista West 1980 and my brother Glen DeSpain, then going by Glen West 1983. He was a good straight up teacher.
Eric's Photo Gallery

my sister Karen West (Hardy)
Falcon Alumni 1979